Monday, February 21, 2011

5 Things

My blogging creativity has been lacking in major ways lately. Maybe it’s due to the fact that all my excess brain-power has been spent on cramming as much information as I can about speech pathology into my brain before dreaded COMPS and PRAXIS… either way- I am going to unashamedly steal the clever ideas of the one, the ONLY, ALLY RICE! (Ally, I sincerely hope that shout out was enough, and that there will be no lawsuits for copyright infringement)

5 Things that I Like:

1. Crawfish, Queso, and ICEEs (Although not necessarily at the same time)
2. My guitar, which is yet to be named.
3. 3 Spoons Frozen Yogurt. I’m honestly not sure how I got by in life without it at this point, but if I were a cat, Sugar Free Double Stuffed Cookies and Cream and White Cake Batter swirl fro-yo would be my cat-nip.
4. The ocean. If I could live near the ocean for the rest of my life, I’m 98% positive that I would never get sick of it. And even if I did, I could just vacation to visit Ally and my sister and brother in the frozen tundra state of Colorado, and then remember why I live at the beach in the warmth- and why it’s 1,000 times better than frostbite and runny noses.
5. Jon Bon Jovi and his gorgeous 50-year-old self. I sincerely hope my future husband is okay with the risk that if Bon Jovi ever asked me to marry him, I would very sinfully divorce my husband and spend happily ever after listening to Jon play “I’ll be there for you” to me in the dark…

5 Things that I Don’t Like:

1. Being cold
2. The fact that my best friend and family live in the coldest state in America (see above)
3. When people misuse “your” and “you’re.” Seriously people, go back to 2nd grade please. Actually, change this one to include grammatical errors in general.
4. The fact that, no matter WHERE I am, my iPhone incessantly drops every single phone call I ever make. It’s always in the middle of the best part of either my story, or my friend’s story. Like, “Oh my gosh, you will not believe what he said after that…” BEEP BEEP BEEP. Call Failed. Spins me into a new dimension of pissed off EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
5. Losing sports games. I can’t even really go into detail about this one without getting my blood pressure up- but trust me, it ain’t pretty.

5 Things that Make Me Laugh:

1. Being tickled. However, I must note that this is not the, “ohhh I love this, it’s so funny” kind of laughter. It’s more like the, “I swear to God when I catch my breath again I will secretly plot your slow and tortuous death” kind.
2. Mullets- especially in Branson, MO.
3. Really traumatic and vague facebook statuses. For example, “What you did was so wrong, and now my heart feels like it has shattered all over the floor.” Okay, excuse me- was this directed at all of us? Because I’m reading this, and yet I don’t recall ever mistreating you, so could you please pick your heart up off the floor and clarify? Or, “So-and-So is just wishing he would love me like he should have all along.” Okay, I hate to be the one to tell you this, sister, but he’s probably not loving you because you are an insecure nutcase. In fact, your status just solidified that- and he’s reading it thinking, PRAISE GOD I ESCAPED! I laugh with you, at you, and for you.
4. YouTube videos from my witty friends. Top notch, every time. Favorite of the week:
5. Modern Family. Enough said. If you haven’t seen it, shame on you. Go HULU it immediately. You can thank me later.

5 Things that Make Me Cry:

1. Cheesy videos like the one of the Olympic runner who tears out his knee in the final race, and his dad comes down out of the stands and helps him to the finish line. Whew, I just teared up thinking about it.
2. When someone around me is crying. No one can cry in my presence without me joining them.
3. Letters from my nieces or nephews. Gets me every time
4. Saying goodbye to people- only it's always after the fact. They always leave thinking "oh wow, Megan really doesn't care at all that I'm leaving," and then ten minutes later I have a nervous breakdown in the car alone. It's awkward. Dang you, poorly timed emotions.
5. The movies Old Yeller, Where the Red Fern Grows, and Steel Magnolias. Like, who’s idea was it to make these movies? Poor demented souls. Can we just turn this off and watch Wedding Crashers already?

5 People I Respect:

1. Shemar Moore
2. John Mayer. I don’t care if you’re a socially awkward guy who always says the culturally inappropriate things at all the wrong moments- you are a talented dude, and your lyrics ROCK.
3. Ally Rice- because she came up with good blog ideas, managed to find a baller job with NO experience, snowboards every weekend, and still manages to find time to call me like EVERY day. You da bomb.
4. Professional Chefs. I don’t care which one- the mere fact that you went to school in order to make the act of getting fat more delicious makes me love you.
5. A.W. Tozer

5 People I Don’t Respect:

1. Brad Womack. Seriously dude, the fact that you, and every other Bachelor in history, are telling ten different women at once that you think you’re falling in love with them is wack. I bet I could fall in love with Mickey Mouse if we got to spend two weeks in Anguilla rappelling down waterfalls and frolicking on our own personal island. I'm not sure who is more funny to watch- you, or the women who love you one day, and then expect you to be their personal therapist the next. However, I LOVE making fun of all of you, so please don’t stop. Thanks.
2. Obama. Homeboy is not my fav
3. Men with tiny dogs. If I see a man walking a dog any smaller than a beagle, I automatically judge him. I don’t care if it’s your girlfriend’s dog and you are kindly walking Foofie for her… that just makes you double whipped. Buy a black lab, a rifle, and a six pack of beer, and regain your testosterone.
4. Lady Gaga
5. People who drive under the speed limit in the fast lane. Don’t even get me started. There is not a single thing that makes me want to ram my car into the back of the person in front of me more than a stupid driver going glacier-pace on the interstate. MOVE IT OR LOSE IT.

5 Things I Enjoy Doing:

1. Walking the Bear Trail while podcasting Matt Chandler with Oakley
2. Singing American Idol style (only nowhere near the talent level) in my car on my way anywhere. I have almost convinced myself that I’m actually good. NOPE.
3. Being outside playing sports that include soccer, throwing the football, flag football, ultimate Frisbee, baseball, tennis, basketball, or swimming. Actually, I should broaden that to competitive activities in general. Although don’t beat me, or you’ll quickly make it onto the bad list. (see above)
4. Reading in a hammock, outside, on a 70-80 degree day. There is NOTHING better, except maybe falling asleep in said hammock.
5. Going to live sporting events or concerts. I can’t decide which of those I like more, but either way- you can’t go wrong.

5 Things I Don’t Enjoy Doing:

1. Working out- I have a love/hate relationship with this activity.
2. Studying
3. Sitting in class- I can barely keep my ADD in check long enough to write a blog- sitting in class is like my tenth circle of hell.
4. Laundry. Where do all my socks go?
5. Affirmation circles at Kanakuk. Talk about forced awkwardness. I never understood this concept- and honestly, most of the time I just let my camper sleep through it. No one wants to make someone say something nice about them. But good try, A-Rob.

5 Things that I am Excited About:

1. Bon Jovi concert with Kenneth May 17th WOOOOOOOOO
3. End of the semester- May 2011. PRAISE THE GOOD LORD.
4. Graduation- August 13th!!!!!
5. Warrior Dash

5 Things that I am Not Excited About:

1. Finding a big-girl job
2. Waking up at 5:30 tomorrow morning
4. The day I have to move far away from 3 Spoons Frozen Yogurt.
5. The day that Shemar Moore gets old and is no longer attractive. (I don’t see this happening though)