Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Dream Team

I feel like when I get to blogging, I always end up just gushing out the things that I'm thinking about in that moment, and the crazy ridiculous ways that God ends up working in my wicked heart to sanctify him to himself. I think it's about time that people who read this blog (all whopping two of you!) meet my "line-up" of girls who literally have shaped the person that I am into something a lot better than it was before. These women have picked my weak self up off the floor so many times, spoken truth and scripture over me, and have loved me in my most un-loveable moments. I can honestly say that without them, their prayers, and constant confirmations, I would be a really sad, lost, crummy person. =) So, without further delay, meet the Dream Team.

1. Melissa Hatcher

This girl is like better than best friends times a thousand. She is the person I have aspired my entire life to be like. My sister is the EPIC example of a mom. She has, no joke, I DARE YOU TO TRY TO COMPETE, the most well behaved, wonderful children on the planet. This is because she has really followed the Lord's wisdom in training a child up in the way they should go. Being around them is a breeze! They are the most loving, happy children in the world--and you don't get that way by having anything other than a rock star mom. I remember growing up, I wanted to be just like Mel. I played softball because she played softball. I was a tomboy because she was a tomboy. I wanted to read my bible because I saw her reading hers. She would let me come spend weekends at her house in Monroe after she got married, and she would take me to her college classes. I thought I was HOT STUFF on that college campus at 10 years old! She never left me out, and always made sure to include me, even if I was a good ten years younger. She is one of the most open, honest, loving, and giving people I know...not to mention the best gift giver around! Seriously, if you've ever thought for a minute about something you like, Melissa has already figured it out and it's on it's way to your house. How she manages to find the time to be creative, I will never know. She is SUPER MOM!!! Family is the most important thing in the world to Mel. I can't imagine life without her. =)

2. Ally Rice

Wow, where to begin. If Mel is my sister, Ally is my adopted sister from China. She is no joke, one of the most faithful and loyal friends I have ever had. I can't say enough how much I love this girl. Ally is one of the funniest, wittiest people I know, and I don't think there is a two minute interval of time when we are together that I am not at the "pee your pants" level of laughter. She is one of those people that EVERYONE loves. When I tend to drift toward the really deep and serious, ally is always there to pull me back to reality and crack some ridiculous joke that makes everything better. Not to mention, she is one of the most amazing women of God. She is pursuing the Lord with some serious passion and serious sacrifice. I HOPE that the Lord sends us off on some crazy mission trip adventure together. She would be wearing Chacos, and I would be styling in the tennis shoes. But one thing's for sure, there would be some serious laughter, and some serious heart to hearts to be had on that trip. No one that I know has loved me through more junk than Ally Rice. She is seriously the most perfect depiction I know of forgiveness, grace, and understanding. She is humble enough to lay her junk out on the table too. There aren't a lot of girls like this one, so guys- if you're reading, and athletic, competitive, attractive, a chaco wearer, a snowboarding/mountain climber with epic taste in music, and LOVE THE HECK OUT OF JESUS, let me know and I'll send you her number. She's a catch! (dread locks sometimes appreciated, but not required)

3. Meredith Smith

OHHHHH MURTLE. I love this girl. Meredith and I have known each other since middle school, but really got to be close senior year of high school at Calvary. Meredith is like the epic friend. She is a friend to EVERYONE. Literally, I'm sure you know her, even if you've never met her. Why? Because Mere is one of those people that loves everyone around her by LISTENING to them. Crazy concept right? Mere knows everyone's sister's great aunt's cousin's dog's names and what they do for a living and what they are going through in their lives right now. She knows this because she takes the time to ask, and she HEARS you. And she remembers what you say and will ask you about it later. Meredith makes me laugh SO hard. I feel like I get 8 minute abs workout every time I hang out with her. She is hilarious!! Every hysterical memory I have from high school includes Mere Bear somewhere. Apart from all that, Mere is one of those people that I can laugh my face off with one minute, and talk about the most serious desires of my heart in the next. She has been such an example to me of someone who is full of Christ's love and overflows onto everyone around her. I am SOOOOO thankful for that crazy girl! Here's to more cookie dough eating nights watching chick flicks and laughing together!

4. Michelle Reyes

MEESH!! So, we have a hilarious story. It really is quite epic. Michelle and I met through guys we were dating, and have been best friends ever since. AAAAAND we always will be, no matter what. Michelle is LEGIT. You can't have a minute long conversation with Michelle without it drifting straight to the word of God. She is in LOVE with Jesus, and she can't help but talk about him, direct everything towards him, and look at life through a lense that is directed by him. Her words of encouragement always end in a direct biblical quotation (the best kind, duh) and the sweetest, most gentle words you've ever heard. BUT, don't for a minute think that just because she is gentle, that she is weak. This girl is STRONG. She is sassy. She is sarcastic and witty and funny and precious all rolled up into one little package. She has the words biggest vocab, and her future husband better be on his theological and verbal A Game, because she's bringing it, and she knows her stuff. I never leave time with Michelle feeling anything less than encouraged, and I laugh SO hard with her. Not to mention, she makes the best chocolate chip cookies. (PS- SEND ME THE RECIPE, WOMAN!!) I love how random our "meeting" was, and I love that God KNEW exactly what a friend I needed in that point in my life. He blows me away with this one.

5. Kylie Peterson

KP and I met freshman year at this FIJI party, and have pretty much been soul sisters since. We don't get to talk as much anymore, now that she's living in Dallas and ENGAGED and everything haha, but either way, this girl is one of those people that I can call up and catch up with and pick up right where we left off. Kylie is HILARIOUS and I always end up doing something scandalous/inappropriate with her. She is a huge prankster, and loves to create awkward situations to laugh about. Kylie is also one of those friends (as is a common theme in my friendships) that I can sit down and have a really deep convo with. She always listens really well and encourages me! I can remember so many times that we talked about things together, and then looked back and saw that she was SO RIGHT. Kylie is a top notch friend, and I am so glad we got to have so many crazy and fun times while she had her two short years in Waco! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE GETTING MARRRIIIIEEEEED!!! WHAT!!!!?

6. Ashley Gross

I can't even begin to think about this girl without just laughing at how much of a brain clone we are. Ashley and I are on the same wavelength to the max. Thank goodness for kanakuk bringing us together, and thank goodness for having to fold massive tarps full of GIANT brown furry spiders together. Not to mention campers and their "red clothing"... Ash, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I think I just gagged a little thinking about it. Ashley is sarcastic, which I of course can appreciate, and she's REAL. Like Ash will lay it all out on the table. I love this about her. We have some of the best convos about how we are going to move to an island in switzerland (who knew they even had such a thing!?!) and just live and love Jesus and not be complicated or dramatic. I love Ashley's heart and pursuit for the Lord, and how vulnerable she is to admit that at times she doesn't have it all together. Lord knows NEITHER DO I!!!! I just hope she comes to visit me soon, because I can't handle this distance much longer!!!! I think we should invite A-Rob, what do you think Ash? ;)

And there you have it! My wonderful list of women (mommy not included because she gets her own post soon) who have impacted my life and been the most real and wonderful friends to walk through life beside. There are SO MANY MORE girls that I could say this about, and so many more I'm sure to come. I LOVE EACH OF YOU SO MUCH and for such different, awesome reasons. Couldn't walk through this crazy life without ALL of you.